Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wood Easter Egg Hunt

Shaylee's Birthday party

Kyler's Baptism

What a special day for Kyler. We are so proud of him.

Kyler's Birthday Party

What would we do without the FunBus? Is that a big enough sandwich? Kyler's big birthday party wow he's 8 years old! Snow sledding is officially illegal... ...oh just added to the fun!!!

Snow Cave

Blackmale photo

Paysen has come!

What a miracle!

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Years Party 08!

We had way too much fun that night!! I'm not sure if we had too much eggnog or was it the sparkling cider??!! Whats the deal with the bat-girls anyway? At our annual new year party we were favored with the Shelton's and Wibert's...which means we had a lot of kids