Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Halloween 2008

Better late than never. Jamen and I have been Wolf Den leaders For about a year now. We love it . We came up with a creative way to teach about tools and decorate pumpkins at the same time. We had the boys hammer and screw things into the pumpkins. It was fun to see how creative they can be. then Jamen got out the power tools. Oh, YES he did, He got out this drill tip that makes one to two inch holes. The fun ended for me when seeds and guts were flying everywhere in our house. What was he thinking? I calmed down after he cleaned it all up. The boys thought it was great!
This is the eyeballs we had the boys touch. Along with other things. Some of the boys were to scared to put their hands in. We had them close their eyes. Strand boys afraid to get dirty.
Taylor our beautiful fairy. I made this Costume the night before glad I get it done. Why do I wait so long, Scott was trying to looks scary. I don't think he could if he tried.
Our very own Hanna Montana! It's she so cute!!

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